More Support to Help Rough Sleepers off the Streets in Bedford Borough

Bedford Borough Council has announced a range of additional services to support rough sleepers.
The Council consistently works with partners and the third sector to provide support to those who are rough sleeping, from the Rough Sleeper Outreach which goes out to try to engage people into accepting support, to Clarence House which opened recently to provide supported housing for the most vulnerable people with complex needs.
Now the Council is expanding its range of support services to include:
- A new Rough Sleeper Co-Ordinator post
- Six additional support workers, providing outreach and then ongoing support once people are housed to ensure continuity and keep people off the streets.
- 32 new units of accommodation
- 10 beds on an emergency basis between 1 November and 31 March, in addition to the existing Severe Weather shelter in Bedford provided in partnership with the Salvation Army
- Four units of accommodation provided alongside support to find employment for rough sleepers for whom the Council is not able to provide housing or other support.
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "This range of additional support for rough sleepers will help some of the most vulnerable people in our community. The initiatives were designed in partnership with excellent local charities and other partners, on the basis of ensuring they reach those most in need.
I am adamant that we must never, ever see rough sleeping on the streets of Bedford Borough as acceptable, whatever the wider trends across our society. By working together, we can ensure that locally at least, we are doing all we can to tackle it."
Funding for the new initiatives was obtained via a successful bid to the national Rough Sleeper Initiative Fund. .