National Day of Reflection

Today marks the three-year anniversary of the first COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020. On this National Day of Reflection we remember those we have sadly lost and think of those who continue to suffer from the impacts of this pandemic.
Bedford Borough remembers the residents we lost over this time and supports all those still suffering from physical and mental health issues from the pandemic.
We can also be proud of our Borough's response and the way people came together to support one another through this awful time. Mayor Dave quickly set up a Community Hub where over 1,000 residents volunteered to distribute information, guidance and support. Some of the displays of generosity and community were fantastic. Over 5,200 food parcels delivered, over 1,600 residents given help with their shopping and over 1,400 prescriptions delivered.
Bedford Borough Council also distributed over £55 million in support grants to local businesses - one of the few local authorities who awarded 100% of available COVID Business Support funds. The Council also supported local residents most in need with support with Council Tax and gave rent-free holidays to businesses in Council-owned properties.
Following government delays, Mayor Dave stepped in to ensure all classrooms in Bedford Borough were fitted with CO2 monitors. The Council also purchased COVID air filters to place in each classroom with poor ventilation to help reduce the likelihood of infections and prevent further student or teacher absences.
For the National Day of Reflection the Council are lighting the Town Bridge and Riverside Bridge yellow this evening.
You can see a video Mayor Dave recorded to mark the National Day of Reflection here.