New Additions to Help Enforcement Around Bedford Borough

Two new scooters will help Bedford Borough Council enforce against unlawful parking.
The two scooters will help officers enforce across the wider borough area, ensuring routes are kept clear to avoid congestion and keep children safe outside schools. The scooters also have the advantage of being able to be rapidly deployed with great flexibility and so can respond quickly to requests from the public on matters such as blocked driveways.
Cllr Charles Royden, the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport, said: "The new scooters will provide a quick and effective response to any situation, offering our enforcement officers increased mobility around town and importantly, far greater access to the borough's rural communities.
"These vehicles have the added benefit of cost savings on both fuel and tax and the fact that they're environmentally friendly, easier to park and can gain access to places where a larger vehicle might struggle to reach."