New Bedford Town Centre ‘Ghost Sign’ murals

Bedford Creative Arts (BCA) is currently delivering two further murals in Bedford Town Centre in the style of 'Ghost Signs' to celebrate historic and technical developments from Bedford's past.
Ghost Signs are old, hand-painted advertising signs that were painted onto a building and were commonplace in the late 1800s until the 1960s. Some Ghost Signs are still visible on Bedford buildings today such as on Midland Road. The BCA Ghost Signs, inspired by this original art deco style, will have a modern-day artistic twist.
Professional artist Sarah Hodgkins, known locally as the painter of the Lurke Street Octopus, is painting a mural in the Bus Station honouring the legendary Joseph (Joe) Clough. Joe became widely known as London's first Black bus driver and moved from London to Bedford in 1911. He then worked as a driver on bus routes between Bedford and St Neots. However, in 1949 Joe purchased and ran his own taxi and became something of a celebrity in Bedford. The mural design will depict his connections to both buses and taxis in Bedford and London.
From Mon 20th March, artist Amy Wormald will be painting a Ghost Sign at 25 Mill Street (on the side of the A1 Taxis building). Amy's design will honour Bedford's airship heritage, featuring both the R100 airship and the modern Hybrid Air Vehicle, Airlander. The design will celebrate Bedford's position as a national centre for aviation innovation and will complement the existing Ghost Sign on Lime Street (on the Bedford Learning Centre) entitled the 'Future of Flight' by Keith Hopewell.
Elaine Midgley, Director of BCA said, "Bedford has a rich heritage that is often hidden and uncelebrated. We wanted to showcase some of Bedford's pioneering past in ways that complement the existing architecture of Bedford town centre whilst offering a new perspective.
On completion of these murals, BCA will be working with a digital technologist, students at Bedford College and Legacy of Windrush Descendants (LOWD) to create a digital element to each Ghost Sign - so watch this space as the project develops."
The Joe Clough Ghost Sign is delivered in partnership with LOWD (Legacy of Windrush Descendants) in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of Windrush. Pastor Peter Stapleton, Chair of LOWD said "Very excited about working with BCA to highlight the contributions that black people have made to Bedford. Joe was known to quite a few people who arrived in Bedford during the Windrush Era. He was often seen as an example of success. The importance of the African and Caribbean community being included in the history of Bedford will enable to inspire all who learn about them."
The project has been funded by Bedford Borough Council via the Town Centre Priority Fund and is supported by BedfordBID. The educational strand has been funded by The Culture Challenge and Bedford College.
Councillor Henry Vann, Portfolio Holder for Town Centres and Planning at Bedford Borough Council added, "We were excited to fund this frankly brilliant project through the Town Centre Priority Fund. These Ghost Signs are a feature of Bedford's history and these new projects are a fantastic opportunity for all of us to celebrate and remember the rich history of Bedford. The great work BCA are delivering is helping to bring the stories of the past into the present and reminding us of the how our town was shaped. If you're inspired by the Ghost Signs and would like to find out more about the life of Joe Clough and some of the people who have been central to the history of Bedford, you can also take part in a walking tour of Bedford High Street."