New Bus Station for Bedford - Building Works to Commence on Monday

Works to demolish Bedford Bus Station begin on Monday 27th January. The works are part of the much-anticipated regeneration project which will see a brand new bus station built and opened later this year, bringing to an end decades of disappointment at the way this current gateway to Bedford lets the town down. Bedford Borough Council is working with bus operators to minimise disruption during the period of construction of the brand new Bedford Bus Station, and is making information available as widely as possible prior to its commencement on Monday 27th January. Tomorrow, 22nd January, sees the second of two bus station information road shows in Church Square, from 9.30am to 3.30pm, while details of the project and the interim arrangements during construction are available online at
Information on the website includes maps explaining interim changes to bus stops, disabled parking and taxi ranks. Information is also being made available on-site and in nearby bus shelters.
More than 12,000 people pass through Bedford Bus Station every day. With the start of the bus station construction works imminent, Mayor Dave Hodgson is encouraging all bus users to take the opporunity to find out how their services are affected.
Mayor Dave said: "The Bus Station has let our town centre down for too long, and we are pleased to be making this crucial project for Bedford happen.
"The bus station deals with 12,000 people every day and we want to make sure everyone is informed about the improvement works and interim travel arrangements before they are introduced.
"We have worked closely with bus operators and user groups in order to minimise any potential disruption caused by the interim arrangements. I would urge anyone who uses Bedford Bus Station to come along to tomorrow's road show or visit the website to find out how the changes may affect them and their journey. I popped along to the first road show to talk to bus station users about the plans, and strongly encourage people to take the time to find out more about the forthcoming arrangements."
The construction of the new bus station building is a major project in the heart of Bedford town centre. During the works, the bus station building and bays 1-12 immediately in front of the building will be closed to the public. Therefore, the stops where some passengers are picked up and dropped off will change slightly. Similarly, disabled parking provision and taxi ranks will also be relocated with alternative local provision.
Maps explaining interim changes to bus stops, disabled parking and taxi ranks are now available on the Council website, Information will also be available on-site and in nearby bus shelters very shortly.
The redevelopment of Bedford bus station area has already seen a new surface car park and public toilets opened, while the refurbishment of Allhallows multi-storey car park is well underway and expected to be completed in the summer.