New Future for Former School Site

An empty building and former school fields could be transformed under plans which would see the creation of a new public open space alongside homes and care facilities for the elderly.
The former Putnoe Lower School site, in Overdale, has been empty since 2011 when the school relocated. As required by law, the council had to seek consent from the government for the sale of the site for alternative uses, and this was granted for the area to be sold in March 2015.
The plans propose bringing the land back into use and generating funds for education and sport in the area. The Council has been working with McCarthy and Stone, which is seeking planning approval to build new 33 homes for the elderly and 56 extra care units. Work is ongoing to seek to complete the sale of the land for this scheme to McCarthy and Stone, which was the highest bidder for the site.
The remaining areas of the school site would continue to be owned by Bedford Borough Council, but would enable the following:
- · An extension to the grounds of Sunflower House, a specialist home providing short breaks for children with physical disabilities, learning disabilities and sensory impairment.
- · An extension to the grounds of 'Overdale Tots' pre-school.
- · New public open space on the majority of the area of the former school playing fields.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "This plan will bring life to the former Putnoe Lower School site, for important uses which I hope will have the support of the local community. The site has been empty for too long, having been subject to delay due to the requirement of seeking government approval for its sale. We are now set to see the land put to important community uses while at the same time generating funds to be reinvested in education in the Borough."