New parking patrol van keeping Borough’s Schools safe

Bedford Borough Council's new Parking Patrol van has been outside schools during the morning and afternoon drop-off and pick-ups to tackle dangerous and illegal parking.
Parking illegally outside schools, either on double yellow lines or on the zig-zag keep clear lines, causes a hazard and is dangerous to school children, parents and other pedestrians.
Vehicles idling outside schools also cause a nuisance and add to pollution levels in the air around schools.
During the first week of this vehicle being in operation, 29 tickets were issued to people parked illegally.
Councillor Charles Royden, Portfolio for Highways said "I regularly receive complaints about the behaviour of some parents when dropping off or picking up their children at school. Our van will be patrolling outside schools across the Borough and we will be enforcing against those who choose to park illegally. The parking restrictions are in place to keep our children safe. If you choose to park illegally, you are creating a danger to all road users and to children going to school, putting children's lives at risk."