New recycling bins in Bedford Borough’s parks

The Council has recently completed a project to upgrade bins across Bedford Park, Jubilee Park, Allen Park and Mowsbury Park. All old bins have been removed, whilst at the same time new bigger bins with a separate side for recycling were installed.
These new bins may not be in the same place as they used to be, as bins are being installed in high footfall areas and known litter spots to ensure it is as easy as possible for people to find and use them.
While there will be fewer individual bins, there will be more capacity for rubbish and the Council will be able to collect recyclables, helping to keep our parks and open spaces green and clean.
Parks staff will continue to regularly empty these bins and the Council is reminding people to please use the bins that are there, for their litter, dog waste, and separate recycling in these new dual bins and if the bin is full, please take your rubbish home with you.
Councillor Charles Royden, Portfolio Holder for Environment said "These new dual bins create more space for waste to be disposed of in our parks in a responsible way. As well as creating more capacity for waste, people will now be able to easily separate their recyclables when out and about using our parks. Gaps where the old bins used to be will be filled in with grass seed, to keep our parks looking beautiful."
This work follows a successful bid by the Council to the Litter Binfrastructure Grant, run by the environmental charity, WRAP.