NHS Commissioners shortlist major downgrade options for Bedford Hospital

Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group has announced that is has cut the options for the future of Bedford and Milton Keynes Hospitals down to a short list of five variations, all involving a major downgrading for one of the hospitals including the option of 'no beds on site'. In response, Mayor Dave Hodgson has said that the Borough faces proposals for a 'brutal dismantling of Bedford Hospital as we know it', and called for the proposals to be fought 'every step of the way.'
Mayor Dave said: "This shortlist confirms the Commissioners' commitment to a severe downgrade of local hospital services. They have shortlisted appalling proposals for hospital cuts including those which would leave Bedford Hospital with 'no beds on site' at all. This flies in the face of the growing local population and the regulator CQC's assessment of the quality of services compared to other hospitals.'
"It also shows they are ignoring the feedback they have received from the public under this multi-million pound review, and the devastating effect these plans would have on the entire community across Bedford Borough. We are facing proposals for a brutal dismantling of Bedford Hospital as we know it, and we need to stand up as a community and fight them every step of the way."