No 'Moore' Lorries in Manor Road

The Planning Inspector has supported Bedford Borough Council in refusing an appeal by G Moore who wanted to operate more lorries and extend their use throughout the night.
Local Liberal Democrat Ward Cllr Tim Hill who opposed the original applications said "Allowing lorries to operate throughout would have been outrageous for my residents. I am totally delighted that the Planning Inspector has supported our opposition and has refused this unacceptable expansion of lorries along Manor Road."
G. Moores wanted permission to allow up to 30 more lorry movements outside normal working hours, out of the 340 movements already permitted during the day. If this had been allowed, it would have meant more than two lorries rumbling down the road every hour overnight.
In addition, G Moores launched an appeal to allow 10 vehicles to leave the site between 6am-7am, which has also been refused.
The Planning Inspectorate has rightly refused these appeals on several grounds including the effect on living conditions through noise and vibrations, and concerns of residents regarding the speed of large vehicles past their houses throughout the night.