Number 13 is New Home for ‘Made in Bedford’

The Council's 'Number 13' building on St Paul's Square is the new home for 'Made in Bedford' in Bedford's town centre.
'Made in Bedford' is an established movement promoting the work of local artists, designers, makers and producers. Working in partnership with Bedford Borough Council, this new venture will see a shop, café and art display space at Number 13. Number 13 will continue to operate as a bar and box office during performances at Bedford Corn Exchange.
With locally sourced produce, a showcase of works by top local artists, designers and makers, and displays of work by local artists Made in Bedford at Number 13 will showcase the best of Bedford Borough artists and craftspeople. The initiative is another innovative, exciting feature which helps make Bedford town centre attractive for locals and visitors alike, which is crucial at a time when all town centres are facing huge challenges.
Liberal Democrat Cllr Sarah Gallagher is Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture on Mayor Dave Hodgson's Cabinet, and she commented: "It is really exciting to see something truly unique come to Number 13. It will be fantastic to see the work of local artists, designers, makers and producers hosted and celebrated in this in historic building, right on St Paul's Square."
The Made in Bedford café and shop is open from Wednesday- Sunday, 9.30am-4.30pm. Number 13 will continue to operate as a bar and box office during performances at Bedford Corn Exchange.
For more information and updates, visit the Made in Bedford at Number 13 Facebook page here.