Older Persons’ Accommodation Strategy 2018-2023 Consultation

Bedford Borough Council wants your views on the draft Older People's Accommodation Strategy 2018-2023 which will cover the future housing needs of people over 65 years of age living in the Borough.
The draft Older Persons' Accommodation Strategy outlines the Council's aims in meeting the accommodation needs of older people in the Borough. There are different housing solutions required for different levels of need. It is important to assess the future need for specialist accommodation for older persons to ensure that it can be met.
It is estimated that the older persons' population will increase by 90% over the next 20 years and this consultation is an invitation to residents in the Borough to comment on the draft and let us know your views.
All comments must reach the Council by 5pm on 29th October 2018. The online form can be found via this link www.bedford.gov.uk/opa