On the Board of the New South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership

I was pleased to be appointed recently to the board of the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). This is the new body set up to drive inward investment, innovation, economic growth, new enterprise and job creation across the region. I will be one of six local authority representatives on a board of no more than fourteen, also featuring members from business and higher education from across the South East Midlands area. I look forward to working at the heart of the new partnership on areas such as bidding for funds from the £1 billion Regional Growth Fund and in driving forward major infrastructure projects such as East-West Rail.
LEPs are replacing Regional Development Agencies such as the East of England Development Agency, and will take the lead in co-ordinating efforts to bring investment and economic growth within their region. I worked with others to help bring about a South East Midlands LEP, which brings together businesses, universities and colleges, community groups, social enterprises and local government in Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire and Luton, Milton Keynes, Cherwell, Aylesbury Vale and Dacorum. I believe Bedford Borough's interests will be well served by working to drive economic growth across this area.
Bedford Borough's economy shares many similar features with the other areas which join us in this new partnership, and economic success for the South East Midlands Area will mean success for Bedford Borough. In the current climate it is more important than ever that the private and public sectors work closely together for the benefit of the local area. I am confident that the new LEP will be successful in helping us to achieve the shared goals of increased investment and employment growth, both across the region and in Bedford Borough.