Online Help and advice for your Wellbeing

A new online page has been launched by Bedford Borough Council to help people look after their wellbeing, particularly while in isolation.
The council has created a new page,, offering advice to Bedford Borough residents on how to look after themselves whilst at home during the coronavirus outbreak and beyond.
The page will be updated over the coming weeks and will offer advice and signposting to help residents stay healthy during this unprecedented time.
This new page includes a range of materials, such as:
- Exercise tips including indoor games for kids, live fitness classes, and seated exercises
- Mental health advice and links to services that can provide help
- Food and nutritional guidance including Change4Life resources, recipes and cooking videos
- Further Public Health advice including sexual health, stop smoking, drugs and alcohol, health checks and emotional wellbeing
It's really important that people can continue to look after their health and wellbeing at home. For all of us, where possible, this means getting up and moving often, looking after our mental health and eating healthy meals.
For anyone that needs additional help to get food or prescriptions and do not have family or friends for support, then Bedford Borough Council's Community Hub can help.
The Community Hub can deliver food and prescriptions and offer a friendly link with the outside world.
Contact us via our webpage or call us on 01234 718101