Online Schools admissions now open!

Bedford Borough Council's online admissions systems is now open to all parents and carers whose children are due to transfer to secondary or upper school in September 2020.
Parents who live within the Borough who have a child in year 6 at primary school or year 8 at a middle school will need to transfer their child to a secondary school or upper school in September 2020. The transfer to Secondary 2020 round and the transfer to Upper 2020 round is available from the Thursday 12 September 2019 via the Council website.
For parents who have a child due to transfer to middle school in September 2020, the transfer to middle school application form will go live from the Thursday 26 September 2019.
Applying for a school place is a quick and easy process that can be done online or using the paper application but parents and caters of children should remember make sure to only use one method to apply.
For further information go to