Out and about in Brickhill

I was out and about in Brickhill today, meeting residents and some of the local Lib Dem team. Charles Royden and Wendy Rider are excellent local councillors and have been hard at work in Brickhill since their election.
Their local website Putting Brickhill First is full of news and action that they have taken in Brickhill. One of the problems has been late night noise from Mowsbury Park's carpark off Kimbolton Road. It has been one of the top three priorities of the Brickhill Community Safety Forum for some time. Now the Lib Dem led Brickhill Parish Council, Bedford Borough Council and the two Brickhill Lib Dem Borough Councillors have come up with a plan and funding to solve the problem. Barriers will be fitted to enable the main car park to be closed overnight. Let's hope this will sort out the problem!
If you have noise problems in your area, you could ask Bedfordshire Police if they can help. Call Bedford 841212 if it is not an emergency. The Environmental Health department of Bedford Borough Council has responsibility for noise pollution in the Borough. Environmental Health can be contacted on Bedford 227527 or via email ehadmin@bedford.gov.uk. You may also find it useful to make sure your local Borough Councillor knows about the problem.