Pints in the Parishes in Turvey Tonight - An Evening of Two Halves!

Tonight sees another 'Pints in the Parishes,' this time in Turvey, and there's a twist. As explained on the Pints in the Parishes page on this website, the venues for these sessions are determined via rural Parish Councils, to all of whom I wrote out and asked if they would like to nominate a local pub for me to visit for Pints in the Parishes. In the case of Turvey, the Parish Council said they would like me to visit both pubs in the village, so it's an evening of two halves! First, I'll be in Ye Three Fyshes from 7pm, and then I'll move on to The Three Cranes at around 8.30pm. So, if you're in the area please do come along and raise any issues of concern, interest or anything else you want to discuss.