Play Areas in Bedford Borough To Remain Closed

With ongoing concerns about the high infection rate in Bedford Borough, Bedford Borough Council has decided that children's play areas will not be opening on Saturday 4 July.
Play areas are a risk area for infection to be spread, and with a high rate of infection locally, this decision has been taken to help slow the spread of the virus and keep people safe.
Updated signage will be placed on parks this week, and where possible the Council will continue to keep play areas locked and secured.
Cllr Charles Royden, Portfolio Holder for Environment said "We know this will be disappointing for many families, and it is not a decision we have taken lightly. Our top priority is to keep people safe and help slow the spread of the virus and we are asking people to work with us, and respect this ongoing closure.
"When we have the outcome of the deep dive investigation with Public Health England and the Joint Biosecurity Centre, investigating why rates here are not falling as quickly as other areas, we will look again at this decision and see if it is safe to open our parks.
"Until then, we are continuing to ask people to stay at home as much as possible, keep 2m apart from others, and wash their hands regularly to help slow the virus, and enable us to ease restrictions."