Pothole Hit Squad Update: Over 1,200 potholes filled since January

The Pothole Hit Squads we launched in January have now surged past the 1,000 potholes repaired mark, with over 1,200 repairs undertaken. The teams not only do a high quality job, with repairs which last, but also allow us to get much more maintenance work done for local taxpayers' money thanks to the new, more efficient method of working. The hit squads, of which there are now four, have a 'hot box' on the back of their vehicle, meaning that they have a ready supply of hot tar with them while they mobile and out on the road. It means that the tar is at the ideal temperature when they actually carry out the works, and does not cool down on route from the depot, as was prone to happen in the past. It also means that the teams do not have to keep returning to the depot to pick up hot tar, and can stay out on the roads responding to calls swiftly and getting more potholes filled than ever before. The teams are also now working on Saturdays, spending more hours out on the roads and pavements carrying out vital repairs.
I'm delighted that our small investment in this new equipment is now getting so much more work done to make our roads and pavements safe for all users. We've also been resurfacing more roads in the Borough than ever before, with £4 million extra invested on repairs and resurfacing within two years. We've still got lots of work to do to overcome the vast backlog of works required after years of neglect from the former County Council, but we're making real progress.