Real Devolution in Action!

Before becoming Mayor, I spent a lot of time as a campaigner and ward Councillor arguing that the Council should devolve power and responsibility away from the Town Hall/Borough Hall to local communities wherever practical. After all, who knows the needs of local communities better than local residents themselves? It shouldn't be a great surprise to anyone, then, that since I became Mayor, the Council has suddenly introduced a range of measures to put real power in the hands of local communities! For example, we devolved the management of the Mile Road Allotments to the Mile Road Allotments Association, we've given organisations such as Parish Councils and the Guru Nanak Gurdwara funding to get exciting renewable energy projects off the ground, and now this week we have agreed a Policy setting down the criteria for transferring Council assets into community hands. What is more, we've already used the policy to transfer Waveney Green and Brickhill Community Centre to Brickhill Parish Council.
The Parish Council will now be responsible for those local community assets, which I know are highly valued by local residents. The parish council will be able to respond to local residents' needs regarding the use of the facilities, and will be accountable to residents for ensuring access for the community. If you are interested in the new policy, or are a member of a community group which may wish to approach the Council about a community asset, the Community Asset Management Policy can be read here: