Recycle Week 2019

Bedford Borough Council is supporting Recycle Week 2019, in partnership with WRAP and Recycle Now.
Now in its 17th year, Recycle Week is asking everyone to take action.
Environmental concerns are top of the agenda for people across the world. By getting involved this Recycle Week and making even just one little change which sees you reusing and recycling more, you can do your bit.
Throughout the week, there will be advice on how to recycle more from all around the home and even while you are at work on the Council's facebook and twitter pages.
Councillor Charles Royden, Portfolio Holder for Environment said "We are proud to once again be supporting Recycle Week. As a Council we try to lead by example; we have already announced our aim to become 'single-use' plastic free by the end of next year. During Recycle Week we'd ask you to take a moment, and think about what little change you could make at home or at work and take action for our planet."
Find out more about recycling at, or sign up to Recycling and Waste email bulletins at