Recycle your Christmas tree

From Thursday 30th December to Monday 10th January, there will be 8 Christmas tree recycling sites across the Borough where you can drop off your real Christmas tree, for it to be composted.
After the Christmas celebrations are over and the decorations are down, if you can't plant your real Christmas tree in the garden, make sure you recycle it.
Real Christmas trees can be dropped off at one of the Christmas tree recycling sites between Thursday 30 December and Monday 10 January, where they will be taken away for composting. Sites include:
- Hillgrounds Road, Kempston- opposite the shops near Hartwell Drive
- Jubilee Park, Bedford- opposite North Lodge, Canvin Way
- Milton Ernest Garden Centre, Radwell Road off the A6
- Mowsbury Park Car Park, Wentworth Drive, Bedford (please note this is a slight change from the usual place at Mowsbury Park Car Park on Kimbolton Road)
- Podington Garden Centre, High Street, Podington
- Roxton Garden Centre, A421 near the Black Cat Roundabout
- Seasons Garden Centre, Bedford Road, Wixams
- Household Waste Recycling Centre, Barkers Lane, Bedford
Councillor Charles Royden, Portfolio Holder for Environment said "Dropping your real Christmas tree off at one of our sites is a great way to dispose of your tree easily, and sustainably. Just take off all the decorations and containers, leave it in the designated area, and you're done and your tree will be collected and composted."