Remembering Srebrenica

Today is the Srebrenica Memorial Day when we remember the genocide committed against over 8,000 Muslim men and boys in the space of just a few days in Srebrenica 26 years ago in July 1995.
The theme for 2021 is 'Rebuilding Lives'. The theme aims to honour the two million people who were displaced during the genocide and ethnic cleansing in Bosnia in the 1990s, leaving them to seek refuge all over the world, with approximately 10,000 Bosnians coming to the UK. It will aim to shed light on their stories showing how they have rebuilt their lives by dealing, on the one hand, with the trauma of losing loved ones and their livelihood as well as overcoming pain and suffering on a level which is very hard for others to comprehend. While on the other, living with the reality that the genocide continues to this day as the perpetrators have not been held to account and are able to walk free and denial of the genocide and glorification of the architects of the worst atrocity on European soil since the second world war continues to be rife at individual, community and institutional levels.
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