Remembrance Events

On Sunday 10th November the traditional Remembrance Day Wreath Laying Ceremony will take place at the War Memorial, on Bedford Embankment. The Parade starts at the 'Radhuni' restaurant on The Embankment at about 10.40am and makes its way down towards the War Memorial. A service is held at the War Memorial at 11.00am and includes the laying of wreaths. The service will lasts about an hour after which the Parade makes its way down towards Harpur Square via St Pauls Square.
Wreath laying ceremonies are also taking place at the Goldington Green War Memorial, the South African Campaign Memorial (outside the Swan Hotel), at Elstow Abbey, and in villages across the Borough.
Also on Sunday 10th there will be a memorial service at Kempston East Methodist Church at 2.30pm, followed by a procession and wreath laying at the War Memorial in the High Street.
On Monday 11th November there will be an Armistice Day Commemoration and Two-Minute Silence at 11.00am at Riverside Square, in Bedford.
Remembrance and Armistice events bring us together in tribute to those who have lost their lives in conflict, and it is always extremely humbling to lay a wreath at the War Memorial on behalf of the Borough. All are invited to be part of these events, bringing us all together as a community in the spirit of Remembrance.