Residents asked to keep being cautious as local Coronavirus case rates are 3rd highest in England

Bedford Borough currently has the third highest Coronavirus case rate in England, at 1,488 cases per 100,000 people in the local population.
To continue to keep local residents safe and protected, the Council is asking people to:
- keep doing a lateral flow test before you meet up with people
- wear a face covering in indoor places and when using public transport
- stay at home if you're feeling unwell and book a PCR test if you have Coronavirus symptoms
In addition, the Council will be recommending that education staff and secondary school pupils continue to wear face coverings in communal areas and on school transport until half term, when this will be reviewed.
This advice is being given to early years providers, schools and colleges across Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes.
Vicky Head, Director of Public Health said "Case rates are not falling locally as they are in other places. We are seeing record rates in our school pupils particularly, and case rates are not currently falling in adults either. High rates of infection are causing disruption to education locally as significant numbers of pupils and staff are required to isolate. To help slow the spread of Coronavirus we are asking education staff and secondary school pupils to continue to wear their face coverings in communal areas and on the school bus."
We're still seeing worryingly high case rates in Bedford Borough, and a very high number of cases among our school age children. We must do all that we can to keep young people in school.
Taking regular lateral flow tests, especially before meeting others, wearing face coverings, and staying at home if you feel unwell are all still important measures. If you do have symptoms, please book a PCR test and immediately isolate. Finally, get your Coronavirus vaccinations, it's never too late to have your first jab, and if you haven't yet had your booster, you should do so as soon as possible. The vaccinations are the best way to protect yourself from Coronavirus, and boosters offer excellent protection against serious illness with the Omicron variant.