Return to Play Fund

Sport England have opened a £16.5m Return to Play Fund to support sporting clubs during the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.
There are three parts to this new fund - Small Grants and the Community Asset Fund, which have been adapted from pre-coronavirus funds, and Active Together crowdfunding, which has been extended - with all three now focusing on a safe return to play and narrowing the inequalities gap in sport and physical activity.
Sport England will support groups and organisations working with Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups, people on lower incomes, those disproportionately affected financially as a result of the pandemic, disabled people and people with long-term health conditions, and those experiencing a greater burden of care responsibilities since the pandemic began.
Return to Play: Small Grants
This fund will make awards, using National Lottery funding, of between £300 and £10,000, from a total pot of £10m, to help sport and activity groups, clubs and organisations respond to the immediate challenges of returning to play in a coronavirus-safe way.
This could include contributing to covering the costs incurred by having to deliver activity in smaller groups than normal, or having the correct hygiene and safety equipment. In response to the current England-wide lockdown restrictions, this fund will also make a contribution of up to £2,000 towards the running costs of organisations supporting the most deprived communities.
Return to Play: Community Asset Fund
This fund will make awards of between £10,001 and £50,000 from a pot of £5m to help local sports clubs and organisations adapt and open important places and spaces to help their local community return to play safely.
This could include contributing to covering the costs incurred by converting existing space to meet social distancing guidelines, or improving a facility's ventilation.
You can find out more about both fund at Our funds | Sport England