Rivercare Event- This Saturday

On Saturday the 20th of July, the second Rivercare Event of this year will take place.
The focus of this weekend's efforts will be on the area immediately around the historic Town Bridge. Volunteers are welcome to help litter pick the river bank and surrounding areas. All equipment will be supplied and refreshments will be provided after the event.
Local groups will also be helping with Bedford Sub Aqua Diving Club, Viking Kayak Club and the Environment Agency in the water collecting litter from the river bed.
Lib Dem Mayor of Bedford Borough, Dave Hodgson, said: "Rivercare is an event for every lover of Bedford's beautiful river and always brings together a willing team of volunteers.
"Projects such as Rivercare encourage local residents to look after and improve our open spaces. They are also a great day for the whole family and I hope as many people as possible can come along and pitch in however they can."
The Park Inn Hotel are providing refreshments for volunteers and for under-16's there will be a litter scavenger hunt with free ice cream vouchers provided by McDonald's.
The event runs between 10am and midday. Volunteers are asked to meet in the Park Inn Hotel car park.
Rivercare is part of an annual programme of community litter pick events led by Bedford Borough Council which take place most Saturday mornings. Event details can be found on the Council website at: www.bedford.gov.uk/volunteering