Safe return to school

With half term coming to an end Bedford Borough Council is urging students and their families to take a test before returning to school.
Bedford Borough Council has one of the highest Coronavirus rates in the country, and testing before returning to school will help to minimise any disruption to education.
Secondary school and college students are strongly encouraged to take a rapid LFD test today and then continue testing twice a week. All school, college and early years staff are being asked do the same.
Adults who are not working from home are encouraged to test twice weekly with an LFD test. Adults and school-aged children living, learning or working in Kingsbrook, Cauldwell and Queens Park are also being encouraged to take a free PCR test as part of surge testing.
Rates of infection are highest among school and college students, so testing today is vital to ensure a safe return to education next week. Financial support is available from the Council for people on low incomes who need to isolate.
The latest information on testing and support to isolate is available at