Save Bedford Hospital - Have You Signed the Petition Yet?

Mayor Dave Hodgson has issued a call for united, overwhelming opposition to be shown to NHS Commissioners' proposals for a massive downgrade of Bedford Hospital. Following last week's news that the Commissioners have identified two options representing huge service cuts and removals as their preferred models following an evaluation process, a growing number of concerned local residents have been joining the list of signatories to Mayor Dave Hodgson's Save Bedford Hospital Petition. The petition can be found at
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "The Commissioners have identified two scenarios which would involve a vast swathe of vital services being lost from Bedford Hospital forever as their favoured options. They will be making the decision on the future of our hospital, and if we wait for this to happen and then complain afterwards it will be too late.'
"Our best hope of winning this crucial campaign for our community is to show united, overwhelming opposition to these appalling plans. Please do sign the petition, and share it with friends, family and colleagues. The more voices added to our shared call to save Bedford Hospital as we know it, the more hope we have."