Scrutiny committee praise update to Adult Social Care Charging Policy
Earlier this year, Mayor Dave Hodgson's Executive put forward changes to the Adult Social Care Charging Policy to ensure residents receiving Universal Credit support are treated fairly. This week the Adult's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee agreed to the new revisions, which also include an allowance given to residents for broadband costs relating to their adult social care.
The current government guidance fails residents who need care and also receive Universal Credit payments. If this guidance was followed, residents would likely lose out on income they are entitled to through Universal Credit. It would also mean residents could be less independent, as they would receive a lower amount of minimum income to live on. Currently over 60% of benefit claimants in Bedford Borough are now receiving Universal Credit.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said "I'm very pleased these important changes have been accepted by the scrutiny committee. It is essential that we stand up for these residents so that they receive the income they are entitled to, as well as the best quality social care."
Residents will also be given an allowance to claim broadband costs, which previously was not included in the policy, to help with using internet equipment that meets their needs for their social care.
Councillor Dean Crofts, Portfolio Holder for Adult Services said "Since introducing these changes, I have contacted government officials to explain how their guidance is outdated and I'm very disappointed to see that nothing has changed in the national guidance. I'm very glad the scrutiny committee has approved our changes. Whilst the government continue to neglect these residents, we have made the important policy changes to support them."