Sleeping Out for an Excellent Local Charity

On Friday night, I am taking part in the King's Arms Project's 2012 'SleepOut 2012.' The King's Arms project is a Christian charity which supports homeless people in Bedford. It does fantastic work in support some of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people in our community, and I am very pleased that it is one of the causes which will be benefitting from the fundraising activities of the Mayor's Charity throughout this year.
The annual SleepOut is an important fundraising event for the King's Arms Project. It involves people 'sleeping rough' outside and raising funds through sponsorship which helping to support the charity's excellent work locally.
While I'm obviously hoping for a mild, dry night on Friday, whatever the weather I will have plenty of layers on and will know that I will have to endure the conditions for just one night. It's a small price to pay to support a fantastic charity which does so much for those who are less fortunate. If you want to find out how to make a donation in support of the SleepOut, or are interested in finding out more about the King's Arms Project, all the information you need is on its website here:
The event is taking place at King's House on Ampthill Road, which is where the King's Arms Church meets and is also where the Charity is based. The surroundings will be different from those when I last took part in a sleep out for the homeless, which was in the graveyard of St Paul's Church!