SmartWater in Brickhill

Precarious business this! I was out today in Brickhill helping to put up the signs warning that the area is protected by SmartWater. SmartWater is usually described as water with its own DNA.
When you get a SmartWater kit you can mark your property, even delicate items such as jewellery, with the SmartWater and then you register your kit. This means if stolen property is found marked with SmartWater the "DNA" of the water can be read and the property traced back to the registered owner.
SmartWater is being rolled out in areas of the Borough through Neighbourhood Watch, Community Safety Forums and some multi-agency projects. You can obtain your own kit directly, click the link below for more details.
Community Safety Forums are meant to cover all areas of our Borough and meet every few months to set local priorities. Details of some Forums can be found on the Bedfordshire Police web site (below). If you can't find yours email the Bedfordshire Police to find out when the next meeting is.