Solar Panels Installed in Pavenham in First Project Supported by Mayor's Climate Change Fund

This week I popped over to Pavenham Village Hall and Playing Fields to see the solar panels putting installed in the first project supported by the Mayor's Climate Change Fund. I was met by Members of the Pavenham Village Hall and Playing Fields Charity, while the guys from S.A. Solar, the Bedford firm installing the panels, were obviously also on hand. Congratulations must go to the Charity's members for pursuing this excellent project, for which they were awarded over £8,000 (50% of the total cost) from our new fund.
The project will be of huge benefit to the village, turning a significant energy bill for the village hall and changing rooms into an annual profit for the charity and creating a model for other village halls and community facilities elsewhere to follow if they choose to go down this route. The panels are also in an excellent location, clearly visible as you come into the village from the direction of Oakley.
I wish the Pavenham Village Hall and Playing Fields Charity every success with the initiative, and look forward to further great projects taking place in communities across the Borough thanks to our climate change fund.