Stay at Home to Stay Safe and Fight the Spread of Coronavirus

With figures showing that Bedford Borough has the highest rate of Coronavirus infection in the East of England, Bedford Borough Council is urging local people to continue to stay at home as much as possible to slow the spread of the virus and save lives.
Muriel Scott, Director of Public Health for Bedford Borough Council said "As we all know, coronavirus is highly contagious and can be spread even if someone doesn't appear to have any symptoms.
"With lockdown easing you might think that the virus has gone away. It hasn't; the rate of infection in Bedford Borough is the highest in the East of England.
"We are working with partners in the health sector to support the local rollout of test and trace and are calling on residents to continue the fight to slow the spread of the virus.
"Please continue to stay at home as much as possible. If you do have to go out, try to limit contact with other people, wear a face covering - particularly indoors and on public transport and keep 2 metres apart from people. Regularly washing your hands with soap and water, or using a hand sanitiser when that's not available, remains key in slowing the spread.
"Bedford Borough has a spectacular community spirit, and we have seen so many examples of that over the recent weeks and months. We are asking everyone to continue to do their bit in helping to slow the spread of the virus and save lives."
Anyone with symptoms, including a new persistent cough, high temperature or a change or loss of taste or smell should immediately self-isolate and arrange a test via or by calling 111.
Mayor Dave Hodgson has urged people to stay at home and stay safe in a new video, which you can watch here.