Stay in, Stay Safe, Stay Fit!

The Sports Development Team at Bedford Borough Council have launched a range of live online fitness classes to keep residents moving and promote wellbeing whilst at home.
Coaches who have for many years delivered sessions throughout the Borough will be offering daily gentle exercise classes at 9.35am with Jane and Marion, and Mindful Yoga sessions with Rachaell Monton.
Councillor Louise Jackson, Portfolio Holder for Health, Public Health & Wellbeing said "This will meet a real need, both physical and mental, we all need to look after ourselves and each other. I hope lots of people will take advantage of this and enjoy taking part in a class with others. "
Councillor Doug McMurdo, Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Culture added "This is a fantastic initiative and I do hope our residents are able to take part, if only to feel they can maintain an element of social interaction and a healthy wellbeing during these temporary circumstances."
For the full timetable and to access the FREE classes go to