Stay safe this Halloween

Bedford Borough Council is encouraging people to celebrate Halloween safely, helping to save lives by preventing the spread of the coronavirus.
Bedford Borough is currently at Government COVID-19 alert level medium, which means gatherings inside and out of up to six people are allowed. However, with local cases of the virus rising and the government advising against trick or treating this year to help reduce the spread of coronavirus, Director of Public Health, Vicky Head is asking people to think twice.
Here are some safer ways to enjoy Halloween that have been suggested by residents:
- Pumpkin Carving - Carving and decorating pumpkins with members of your household and displaying them in the house or garden. Share your spookiest pumpkins with us using the hashtag #SpookyBedford.
- Pumpkin Trail - go for a walk with your household and see how many pumpkins and decorations you can spot in your neighbourhood.
- Halloween Scavenger Hunt - Halloween themed hunt around the house or garden.
- Online Fancy Dress - Halloween costume competition using zoom or Skype with friends and family.
- Spooky Cake Baking - Maybe some spider cupcakes or Frankenstein gingerbreads.
- Design a Scary Pumpkin or Ghost - Get creative and draw or colour in a spooky picture. Download a template here.
- Watch a Scary Movie - A Halloween movie night with your household.