Staying safe over the half-term break

Bedford Borough Council is reminding parents and carers of the importance of taking measures to have a safe half-term.
Bedford Borough has the 3rd highest Coronavirus rate in the country. There are things we can all do to help slow the spread, and protect our friends, families and communities:
- Get tested - either with a Coronavirus PCR surge test if you live in Kingsbrook, Cauldwell or Queens Park or by taking a free rapid LFD test twice a week if you live elsewhere.
- If you're meeting up with friends and family, meet up outside if you can, where fresh air can blow Coronavirus particles away.
- Remember- Hands, Face, Space- these three things are simple measures that are really effective at slowing the spread of Coronavirus.
Getting tested during half term will help protect our schools so that they can all reopen safely and prevent further restrictions.
The PCR surge tests are open to children and adults, whilst the rapid LFD tests are available for secondary age students and adults. It's really important that we all play our part, get tested, and take steps to keep ourselves and each other safe.
The latest information on what we can all do to work together to drive down the infection rate and protect each other is available at