Sunday Times Picks Bedford as One of the 50 Best Urban Places to Live in Britain

The Sunday Times has selected Bedford amongst its list of the 50 best urban places to live in Britain. Sunday's paper, which included the list drawn up by the paper in conjunction with Zoopla Property, saw Bedford described as a 'perennial wallflower coming into bloom' and declared that 'it's high time we paid more attention to this overlooked market town.'
Commenting, Mayor Dave Hodgson said: "The Sunday Times is absolutely right to identify Bedford as a fantastic place to live. They could have listed many more positive features, too. Bedford has a growing cultural scene, many beautiful green spaces and an array of attractive and vibrant surrounding villages. Bedford Borough also has a much faster rate of employment growth than both the Eastern region and the UK as a whole.'
"There's also lots more to come for the Borough, with the brand new bus station, the return of town centre cinema and a host of infrastructure schemes including the bypass and East-West Rail to Oxford making us even better connected."