Support Bedford Borough's Independents on Small Business Saturday

Today, Saturday 5th December is Small Business Saturday, and with non-essential retailers back open following lockdown there are countless reasons to shop safely at Bedford Borough's brilliant small businesses this weekend.
Commenting on Twitter this morning, Mayor Dave Hodgson has said: "Today is #SmallBusinessSaturday, please support our local independent businesses across Bedford, Kempston and our wonderful villages. If you are out and about in Bedford town centre why not join in the Festive Christmas Trail and post photographs of all the characters you find."
You can download the Festive Christmas Trail, which features twelve of Bedford town centre's fantastic independent businesses, at
Meanwhile, Bedford Borough Council's Portfolio Holder for Town Centres, Liberal Democrat Cllr Henry Vann, has been live on BBC Three Counties Radio this morning promoting the Christmas Trail and Bedford town centre's independent businesses. Cllr Vann also took part in the 'Postcode Wars' quiz on behalf of Bedford, and you'll be able to listen back to the show shortly here.
Read more about Small Business Saturday from Bedford BID on the Love Bedford website here, including a link to a list of independent retailers in Bedford town centre.