Survey Reveals St Mary's Street is in Danger of Collapse – 8 Weeks of Works Ahead

As you may have seen or heard through local media, a survey has revealed that St Mary's street in the centre of Bedford is in danger of collapse. Astonishingly, the road was only resurfaced fewer than ten years ago by the former County Council. Sadly, however, as has been the case in areas across the Council, we are clearing up the former County Council's mess, after they didn't tackle drainage problems and simply put tarmac over the existing road surface. As the local business owners along the street, which runs off the Town Bridge to the south (from the Park Inn hotel), have made clear to me, the build up of surface water on the road causes them real problems. So, we've been aware of the lack of drainage, but it is only now a full survey has been done that the extent of the damage to the road caused by this has been revealed. It has shown that the road is in danger of 'failure' (i.e. collapse) at some point, and therefore urgent works must be undertaken. And this time we'll do a thorough job which lasts.
I am of course extremely unhappy that we have to carry out this work. It will cost the taxpayer a lot of money; moneywhich could otherwise have been spent resurfacing other roads that haven't been relaid for a number of years. The scale of the works means they will an estimated take eight weeks to complete, starting on Monday 3rd October. Throughout this period St Mary's Street and theTownBridgewill be closed to all northbound traffic (heading towardsSt Paul's Square and the town centre). Southbound traffic will be reduced to one lane. I know how much disruption this will cause to people in getting to work and getting in and around town, and I can only reassure you that everything will be done to ensure the work is done as swiftly as possible.
We are also raising awareness as far as possible, with advanced signage going up, letters going out to local residents and businesses, diversion signs to go in place once work begins, and a special webpage on the Council's website with information on the works and diversion arrangements.
Here's the full programme of works:
• Complete full depth reconstruction of St Mary's Street from Duckmill Lane to Cauldwell Street
• Installation of a new kerb drainage system on the eastern side of the carriageway
• Reconstruction of the eastern footway
• Amendments to the existing kerb line and traffic island at the Cardington Road junction