Tackling Turvey Traffic Trouble!

A number of residents have approached me or approached the Council to highlight how a large amount of cars and lorriess are sent through Turvey and onwards on the A428 unnecessarily due to long-standing unhelpful and unsuitable signage. Drivers heading for the M1 northbound from Bedford and Bromham on the A428 have been directed to continue along the A428, rather than to take the quicker and more appropriate route to the M1 on the A422. Understandably, residents of Turvey have raised concerns about the unnecessary extra traffic this generates through their village. As we've shown with our anti-street clutter campaign which has seen over 100 unnecessary signs removed across the Borough, we are not prepared to accept unhelpful or illogical road signage and we have moved to change the signs.
I was on hand earlier this week to see the changes made to the signs, which now direct vehicles to the motorway by a much more suitable route for cars and lorries. This is a common sense change, and we are now working to have satellite navigation routes changed in the same way for the benefit of the community in Turvey and for drivers.