Temporary Classroom Replacement Programme Marches on With new Building for Bromham C of E Lower School

Mayor Dave Hodgson's programme to replace all temporary classrooms across all Bedford Borough schools with high quality permanent facilities continued recently with the opening of two brand new classrooms in a new building for Bromham C of E Lower School.
The school is on two sites and had an old temporary unit on each site. These have been replaced with a new permanent building with two classes on the Village Road site.
Kier have been the contractor and worked with the school and local Village Hall to install the classes on site by access through the village recreation area.
Commenting, Mayor Dave said: "We are investing heavily to ensure all children are able to benefit from being taught in permanent accommodation which supports local schools such as Bromham C of E Lower School to deliver high quality teaching and learning. This project is a result of effective working between the school and the Council, and I hope generations of local children will enjoy learning in this new building for many years to come."
Head teacher of Bromham C of E Lower School, Virginia Gilks, said: "The two new classroom units are a welcome addition to the school bringing much-needed space. The children loved seeing the building as it developed, especially as there was plenty of crane action. The new rooms offer a comfortable and spacious learning environment for our year one children and we are all very pleased with the end result."
This is one of nine projects that are being delivered in phase one of the programme with five completed and four currently underway, with completion dates due between now and the end of February 2015.
Bedford Borough Council's programme involves the investment of more than £12million over the 3 phases, to ensure all children are able to learn in permanent, good quality classrooms rather than temporary huts.