Thanking our #EverydayHeroes
Today local councils in Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes and the NHS are joining together to thank our #EverydayHeroes who are supporting communities during this national crisis.
The social media campaign is to recognise all the unsung workers, helpers and volunteers doing their part during the fight against COVID-19.

A joint statement from Cllr James Jamieson, Leader of the Central Bedfordshire Council, Dave Hodgson, Mayor of Bedford Borough, Tahir Malik Mayor of Luton Borough and Cllr Pete Marland, Leader of Milton Keynes Council said "We have launched this campaign together because we all recognise the dedication, hard work and extraordinary effort our #EverydayHeroes are making. These heroes range from are our care workers, bin collection crews, cooks, teachers, delivery drivers, shop assistants and of course our community volunteers. These are the people who are helping to keep us safe, protected and cared for during this crisis. We want to let them know how important they are and how much we appreciate them. This campaign is for everyone to take part, so if you want to thank a neighbour, your postman or a friend then share who your #EverydayHeroes is and thank them on social media."
Dr Nicola Smith, GP Clinical Chair, for NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Groups said: "Working together across all areas and sectors has never been so important to ensure that we can continue to deliver the right care for people who live in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes. While the NHS obviously has a huge role to play, it is important we recognise the dedication and hard work of hundreds of frontline workers who are all helping to keep everyone safe and well. I'm delighted Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Groups are supporting the #EverydayHeroes campaign, so the public can show their appreciation for the excellent job that all of our workers are doing at this difficult time."
To thank someone in your community who is doing their part in this time of crisis use the #EverydayHeroes and share your story on social media to show your thanks and appreciation for the heroes in our communities.