Thanks to The Crews Helping to Keep the Borough Moving

I visited the Council's Brunel Road depot this week, and chatted to some of the Direct Works staff about the work they are doing to help keep our roads as safe as possible for all users during the cold, icy weather.
I spoke to one of the Pot Hole Hit Squad teams, who obviously can't fill in pot holes while it's so cold as any moisture in the holes will simply re-freeze and open them up again, and talked about how they are instead out supporting the winter maintenance and gritting effort.
The gritting lorries have kept the network of treated roads gritted with numerous runs over the past week or so. The crews who are out in the worst of the weather conditions, helping keep the roads safe and keeping the Borough moving, deserve our sincere thanks. You can download maps of the network of treated roads, and see the live map showing the location and movements of the gritting lorries, on the Council website here: . You can also stay right up to date with winter maintenance information via the Council's 'Gritter Twitter' at
ITV Anglia News ran a feature on Wednesday on the problems the weather is causing for roads across the region, and paid a visit to Bedford. You can watch the report, include brief comments from me and an appearance from one of the Pot Hole Hit Squad crews, by clicking here.