The Higgins Bedford launches ‘Aragon Lacemakers: Keeping Lacemaking Alive’ display

A new lacemaking display, celebrating the 45th anniversary of local lacemaking group Aragon Lacemakers is opening on Tuesday 4 April at The Higgins Bedford.
Visitors can discover a variety of lace items made by members of Aragon Lacemakers including bracelets, gloves and coloured lace pictures. The local group are working to keep lacemaking alive through sharing their skills and holding events to showcase this important local heritage craft.
The display at The Higgins Bedford allows local residents and visitors to learn more about the history of lacemaking in Bedfordshire and view some beautiful handmade lace items. Lacemaking has been a major local cottage industry in Bedfordshire since the 1500s, when it is believed to have been introduced to the area by the Huguenots, from France.
There will also be opportunities for visitors to have a go at lacemaking for themselves. Further information will be posted on The Higgins Bedford website at: