The Swoop - An Invigorating Start to the Day!

As someone who doesn't even particularly relish the prospect of riding on rollercoasters, I surprised myself by agreeing to try out 'The Swoop' at Bodyflight in Clapham when I visited on Friday morning. The Swoop may sound like a harmless enough name for an attraction, but it involves a jumping off a building 110 feet up and travelling at over 35 miles per hour along a 200 feet zip wire to the ground ( . It certainly beats a cup of coffee as a morning 'pick-me-up!'

I must say that, although I confess to one or two nerves as I glanced down from 110 feet up, I really enjoyed the experience and would recommend it. I was well looked after by Bodyflight instructors Dave and Chris, so thanks again to them.
The Times and Citizen Newspaper were there and recorded a video of my 'swoop.' I'll link to it from here if they post it up on their site.