‘Together Bedford Borough’ – Have Your Say

Bedford Borough Council is consulting on its new Corporate Plan 2022-2026: 'Together Bedford Borough, Place- People- Communities'.
The Council's vision in this Corporate Plan is "We want Bedford Borough to thrive as a place, a location that people are proud of, want to live in and move to. To do this we need a growing and strong local economy and an active response to climate change. From this foundation our residents will be able to thrive and realise their potential, supporting and celebrating our diverse and inclusive communities."
This plan builds on the work of the Council and partners, and more recently reflects on the impact of the pandemic and the amazing response of local communities in supporting each other.
'Together Bedford Borough' is the Council's plan for economic recovery and growth, building on the last Corporate Plan and looking to the future with and beyond the pandemic, and the ongoing impact of Brexit.
Over the four years of this plan, councils across the country will face growing demand for services and financial pressures, while continuing to need to deliver good local services, increased value for money and strong leadership.
The Corporate Plan sets out four goals:
Enhance Place: supporting and enhancing the diversity of our urban and rural places; shaping the transport and infrastructure network; and enriching the local environment.
Enable Prosperity: supporting businesses to grow; improving our town centre; supporting education and skills development for all ages.
Support People: supporting residents to access the right services at the right time; delivering tailored support; working with partners to provide the right housing mix.
Empower Communities: enabling people to participate in their community; supporting communities to help one another; and supporting people to fulfil their potential.
In addition to these, there are three themes that must be a key part of all the work the Council does: addressing climate change; working efficiently to ensure people get right services at the right time, while addressing the Council's financial challenge; and addressing inequality and increasing opportunities for inclusion.
Mayor Dave Hodgson said "The Corporate Plan is the overarching document that outlines the Council's priorities and goals over this four year period, and will guide what we do in that time. Please take this opportunity to have a read, and have your say. It is an ambitious Plan, setting out our plans for growth and economic recovery, supporting local residents and businesses, ensuring we continue to deliver good services while tackling the financial challenge we face, how we will play our part in addressing climate change, and manage any longer-term impacts of the pandemic on us all."
This consultation is now open, and you can send your ideas, comments or expressions of interest in the following ways:
Email us: consultingbedford@bedford.gov.uk
Write to: Consulting Bedford, Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford MK42 9AP.
Hard copies will also be available in Bedford Borough libraries. Comments should be received by 10 December 2021 and may be published.