Tories must enact wholescale reform to fix rental market

Responding to the news that landlords will lose the right to evict renters without a reason at the end of their fixed-term tenancy, Bedford Borough Liberal Democrat Housing Spokesperson Dean Crofts said "The housing crisis has left many renters at the mercy of their landlords in an unfair and distorted rental market. Section 21 notices have allowed landlords to turf out tenants without reason, leaving many too frightened to complain about poor conditions."
Dean added "For far too long the Conservatives have taken a piecemeal approach rather than enacting the wholescale reform required to get the UK the homes we so desperately need. Although Liberal Democrats welcome the measures introduced today to end section 21 notices, this is not a silver bullet. The Conservative Government must do more. The Liberal Democrats would introduce measures to ensure longer tenancies, increase council tax on second and empty homes and embark on an ambitious delivery of social homes so that people who rent do so by choice."