Tories offer inadequate sticking plaster for the NHS

Bedford Borough Health spokesperson Councillor Wendy Rider has branded the Tory Government's NHS spending plans as an "inadequate sticking plaster".
Councillor Rider said "The proposed increase falls well short of what the IFS and others say is necessary. It will condemn the NHS and patients to a very uncertain and dangerous future. It means that we won't achieve the vital goal of equality for those with mental ill health and we will continue to fall short of international comparisons on cancer survival rates. It's an inadequate sticking plaster. The IFS said that increases of close to 4% are needed for social care as well as a funding boost for the NHS. Yet Theresa May had nothing to say on this vital issue. She has left a gaping wound."
Councillor Rider added "The Liberal Democrats are the only party putting forward an immediate 1p increase in income tax - which would raise an additional £6bn a year. But crucially, the expert panel the Liberal Democrats set up nationally recommended a dedicated NHS and Care Tax which could be used to raise the amount that experts say the NHS and social care need. That is what the Government should have done."