Town Bridge Turns Pink and Blue for Baby Loss Awareness Week

Bedford Town Bridge has joined a wave of light across the UK to mark Baby Loss Awareness Week.
The bridge, which has been illuminated in Pink and Blue since the 9th October will join the wave of light tonight to show support for individuals, families and charities affected by the loss of a baby during pregnancy, at or soon after birth and in infancy.
Mayor Dave Hodgson, said: "This week recognises the hard work of over 60 charities and remembers the personal stories of the many people affected by the devastating loss of a baby. We were contacted by two local residents who asked if we would support the week by illuminating the Town Bridge pink and blue which we were happy to do.'
"If you've not seen the illuminated bridge yet I encourage you to have a look tonight as we join the wave of light across the country."
More details on Baby Loss Awareness Week are available here: